Summer is quickly coming to an end. For me, it has been a whirlwind of new experiences. Weddings (mine included), an adventure in Turks and Caicos, and adjustment to not having just one city to call home.
My wedding day: I, of course, was late. . . to my own wedding. This should come as no surprise to those who know me well. I run on a different clock. Luckily, I was surrounded by my closest friends and family who put order to my madness and helped nudge me towards my beloved Yves. You know that you are well-loved when you have an army folding endless numbers of paper airplanes and arranging hundreds of flowers.
Ridiculously talented photographers: I met Matt and Kate Altmix two years ago at one of my best friend's weddings. They were spectacular - their compositions and ability to capture expressions are unrivaled - thanks so much for creating photographs that reflect the spirit of my day.
For those who have been patiently waiting for wedding photos, you can view more at the
Altmix's blog.
Adventure: We arrived in Turks and Caicos during a rainstorm- and spent the majority of our time running through puddles. We stayed on Providenciales - a 38 sq mi island that was ranked as having the best beaches in the world in 2011. While I hide from the sun (and therefore the beach), I cannot say enough about the variety and quality of the restaurants to be found on the island. I would return just for the food. The only downside? Overdevelopment. There is little land that is not covered with a structure (or a half-finished structure as the economic down-turn definately put a damper on developer's plans). I will post a few photos in my next entry.
Transitions: My artwork centers around defining the meaning of home, and the relationship between one's personal identity and one's location. My life will now be split between three cities: New Orleans, Baltimore, and Jacksonville. I moved to New Orleans for love, and ended up falling for the city. Never have I experienced such a warm, open community - nor a city filled with such talented and diverse individuals. The city seems to be a gathering place for nomads who have found a common connection in New Orleans - and never want to leave. As a sister port city, Baltimore bursts with energy - the moment I stepped off the plane a year ago, I knew that Baltimore was the right city for me to spend my graduate school years. Luckily, MICA felt that I fit as well, and I will be joining the MICA community this Fall. My third and final city: Jacksonville. While I have little knowledge of Jacksonville itself, it is yet another port-city. . . and apparently, port cities and I get along. Fingers- crossed. . .